Freescale Smart Car Race


The Freescale Cup, formerly known as the Smart Car Race, began in 2003 when Korea’s Hanyang University hosted 80 teams of students. Since that modest origin, the annual event has expanded throughout North America, Europe, China, India, Malaysia and Latin America, impacting more than 15,000 students at more than 500 schools.

The competition requires student teams to build, program and race a model car around a track for speed, with victory going to the fastest car that completes the course without derailing. The creation of each autonomous car requires embedded software programming and basic circuit creation, using Freescale parts included in the entry kit; student-developed motor control hardware and software, to propel and steer the intelligent vehicle; and a student-developed camera interface, to navigate the vehicle through the race.

In 2010, I became a member of the team of Southeast University, China. And in 2011, I became the team leader and won the 1st prize of 7th Freescale Cup National University Students Car Race of Camera group.

Car model

I am in charge of the circuit board design and the software programming. I designed the base algorithm to detect the roads and my team members helped me to debug the PID-control variables.


